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Writer's pictureSt Peter's Epping

How to Handle Online Bullying: A Guide for Kids

The internet is great for learning new things, playing games, and chatting with friends. But sometimes, people can be mean online. This is called online bullying or cyberbullying.

If this happens to you or someone you know, here are some simple steps.

What is Online Bullying?

Online bullying is when someone uses the internet to be mean to you. They might send hurtful messages like 'You're so ugly, no one likes you ', post nasty comments such as 'You're a loser, why don't you just disappear? ', or share embarrassing pictures without your permission. This can happen on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, in online games, or even through texts.

Steps to Handle Online Bullying

  1. Stay Calm and Don’t RespondIf someone is being mean to you online, remember that the power is in your hands. The best thing to do is stay calm and not respond. Bullies often want to see you upset, so don’t give them what they want. By staying calm, you're taking control of the situation.

  2. Save the EvidenceTake screenshots of the mean messages, comments, or pictures. This way, you have proof of what happened. To take a screenshot, press the 'Print Screen' button on your keyboard, then open a new document in a word processor or image editing software and paste the screenshot there. Remember to save the date and time, too.

  3. Block and ReportMost websites and apps have a way to block and report people who are being mean. Blocking stops them from contacting you, and reporting tells the website about the bad behaviour. Blocking is like closing a door to keep someone out, while reporting is like telling a teacher about a problem in the classroom. Here’s how to do it on some popular sites:

  • Facebook: Go to the person’s profile, click on the three dots, and choose "Block" or "Report".

  • Instagram: Tap the three dots on their profile or next to their comment, then select "Block" or "Report".

  • Snapchat: Press and hold on their name, then tap "More" and select "Block" or "Report".

  1. Tell a Trusted AdultAlways remember, you're not alone in this. If you experience online bullying, it's important to tell a trusted adult about it, such as a parent, teacher, or school counsellor. They are there to support you, help you figure out what to do next, and ensure your safety.

  2. Support Each OtherIf you see someone else being bullied online, don’t join in. Instead, offer them support. Tell them you’re sorry this is happening, and encourage them to talk to an adult.

Stay Safe Online

Here are some tips to help you stay safe online:

  • Keep Personal Information Private: Don’t share your full name, address, phone number, or school name online.

  • Think Before You Post: Make sure what you share is something you’re okay with everyone seeing.

  • Use Privacy Settings: You can adjust the privacy settings on your accounts to control who can see your posts and contact you.

  • Be Kind: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Being kind online helps create a safe and friendly internet for everyone.

You’re Not Alone

Remember, you’re not alone in this. Many people care about you and want to help. If you’re feeling sad or scared because of online bullying, talk to someone you trust. They can help you feel better and find a solution. You're part of a community that supports and cares for you.

Online bullying is never okay, but you can handle it by staying calm, saving the evidence, blocking and reporting the bully, and talking to a trusted adult. By supporting each other and being kind, we can make the internet a better place for everyone.

Stay safe, and remember, you are amazing just the way you are! 🌟


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