At St Peter’s Primary School, we are committed to supporting all students in the development of literacy skills and knowledge as they grow to become competent and confident communicators.
All our students develop their understanding and skills in all areas of the English curriculum in order to fully participate in the modern world as active and engaged citizens who appreciate and enjoy the English language, using it proficiently.
At St Peter’s, the English Curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum and includes the areas of Speaking and Listening, Reading and Viewing, and Writing. We have adopted a school-wide approach to literacy teaching and learning where students are engaged in rich and meaningful learning experiences with consistency of practice, evident from Foundation to Year Six.
Once a week our teachers engage in professional learning with an experienced Literacy Leader during this time teaching staff are supported in getting to know the unique entry points of each of their students by attending to assessments and learning samples, and in turn, analysing student data to drive teaching planning. St. Peter’s has a culture of building a teaching community of practice where the Literacy Leader, as well as all staff have the opportunity to observe modelled good teacher practice in the classroom, be observed themselves and respond to feedback.
We are committed to building good teacher practice to improve student growth in literacy achievements for all of our students.
Features of the Literacy program:
From Foundation to Year Six:
Daily two-hour Literacy block for all learners
Explicit attention to student needs through facilitated Teaching Groups
Literacy Intervention support groups are offered via the Reading Recovery and Levelled Literacy Intervention programs
Extension and Enrichment
Integration of digital resources such as iPads and laptop computers
Small class sizes for literacy instruction
Literacy in Action