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Faith Filled Community


We are a welcoming and inclusive community who understand the importance and value of a positive relationship between home and school. At St Peter’s Primary School there are many opportunities for parents / guardians to partner with the school. Families are strongly encouraged to work with school in the education and faith development of their child. Parents / Guardians are always very welcome at St Peter’s Primary School and you, as parents / guardians, make a valuable contribution to the school and parish community. At St Peter's we are proud of our strong connection between Parish and School.

School Prayer 

At Peter’s, we relish the opportunity to gather together in Prayer and worship through regular school Masses and school based liturgies. We warmly welcome families to attend these special occasions, alongside an open invitation to Monday Prayer, in the classrooms.


Faith Life Inquiry


Catholic schools were founded to proclaim Jesus’ message of God’s love for all. Our Catholic faith calls us to embrace the contemporary world with a Catholic imagination, and a particular hope-filled view of the human person and all of creation. 


At St. Peter’s we view the spiritual, moral, social, emotional and intellectual development of our students as paramount. Through opportunities to engage in dialogue, students are encouraged to live in mission, becoming aware of the needs of those less fortunate than themselves both in the local area and in the world. 


With Jesus Christ as their model, we encourage our students to take action inspired by the Gospels, where the values of honesty, forgiveness, justice, compassion and equality are front of mind.



All baptised Catholic students are invited to receive the sacraments in the following order:

Reconciliation – Year 3 

First Eucharist – Year 4

Confirmation – Year 6 


Our Community

Parents As Partners

A strong sense of identity and belonging enhances the wellbeing of young people, and impacts positively on their learning outcomes. With an emphasis of Parents as Partners in the education, care and wellbeing of each of our students, cements the importance of our shared work in educating the young people of our school and parish.

St Peter’s Primary School is in a central position to be the ‘hub’ for our community to come together. We promote personal growth, cultural identity, a strong sense of community and belonging. Our students and families have opportunities to identify with the traditions, values and relationships within the school. It is a part of our schools’ core work to include activities that shape students’ sense of identity.


Clear communication between home and school is key to ensuring ongoing, effective partnerships for learning. Our students, your children learn in a variety of environments – school, home, clubs, social groups, and when the language of learning in these worlds, especially home and school can be readily accessed and understood by families, learning will be enhanced. 


It is vital that school staff and families share, understand, and effectively communicate a common language around learning, community and shared ownership.

Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent  voice and community perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the school, where students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount. 


The following are some examples of the many ways the School Advisory Council may support the school and the principal:

  • articulating and enacting the school’s vision and mission

  • promoting the school’s Catholic ethos and culture

  • promoting faith formation and development

  • supporting school policies as required

  • giving advice to the principal on issues such as school improvement plans and enrolment trends

  • engaging in discussion with the principal about the annual school budget and other financial matters

  • giving advice to the principal about the school master plan

  • providing capital resource planning and maintenance support to the principal.

Parents Commitee

The St Peter’s Parents & Friends Committee  aims to encourage social interaction between families by organising events and assisting in building a sense of community and wellbeing within the school. It also exists to raise funds for projects and resources that would not otherwise be financed and that will benefit the students. In past years, events have included trivia nights, luncheons, footyday celebrations, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls along with raising money with raffles and other fundraising activities.


The Parents and Friends welcomes all parents and encourages you to become involved. Being a member of Parents and Friends is a rewarding and enjoyable way of being involved in our school community. It offers the opportunity to meet school families, make new friends (across various year levels) and contribute to the vibrant St Peter’s community. Most importantly, involvement in the committee benefits your child/children.

Our Community
Advisory Council
Parents Commitee
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